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About PGL Agribusiness

PGL Agribusiness

The company conducts commercial agriculture in its two farms located in Mtwara region (Mtwara Rural and Masasi Districts).

Mtwara Rural Districts (20km from Mtwara Town)

PGL owns 450+ acres of land for crop farming and animal husbandry. So far the company has grown perennial and annual crops (Cashew, Cassava and Maize) since 2018.

The company has also set aside 100 acres for rearing cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, and pigs where it has so far started raising 30 beef and dairy cows as well as 30 goats.

In the future the company prepares to establish innovated horticulture farming in more than 100 acres.

Masasi District (25 km from Masasi Town)

PGL operates commercial crop farming in an area of ??100 acres planted with more than 2500 cashews, as well as seasonal crops such as maize, sesame and cassava.

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